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Customer Testimonial

We have been very satisfied with the quality, thoroughness and responsiveness of LAF Productions, Inc. in meeting our requests.
Ernestine Middleton,
Vice President of Administration - Arkansas Scholarship Lottery

Customer Testimonial

For maximum exposure, I would highly recommend hiring LAF Productions, Inc.
Carlotta Walls LaNier,
President - Little Rock Nine™ Foundation

Customer Testimonial

It is my pleasure to recommend one of Arkansas' finest shining examples of media, marketing and public relations talent in the state.
Cornelya Dorbin, MPA,
Executive Director - Arkansas Cancer Coalition

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LAF News Releases

LAF Productions Expands Ecommerce As Amazon Pulls Out Of Arkansas Due To Recent Passing Of Affiliate Tax Law

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas – July 18, 2011 – On April 1st, 2011, Governor Mike Beebe signed Affiliate Tax Bill, SB738, which went into effect on June 9th, 2011, thus causing out-of-state online retailers or ecommerce businesses like Amazon to collect taxes on Internet sales of more than $10,000 to Arkansas residents. As a result of this bill passing, ecommerce giant Amazon sent emails to LAF Productions, Inc. and program affiliates, notifying them of its termination of the Amazon Associates Program citing the following:

“We opposed this new tax law because it is unconstitutional and counterproductive. [] Similar legislation in other states has led to job and income losses, and little, if any, new tax revenue. We deeply regret that its enactment forces this action.”

Amazon is pulling out of the state of Arkansas as of July 24th, 2011 and will no longer allow Arkansas residents to receive advertising fees for sales referred to, and its other sites,, MYHABIT.COM or; however, LAF Productions is stepping in and has expanded its ecommerce capabilities.

On the same day of the new law’s implementation, June 9th, 2011, LAF Productions, in unprecedented fashion, launched three new product-driven, theme-oriented, OnlinePlus™ ecommerce sites (, and despite the current economy.  As revenues continue to increase, LAF Productions will in time offer to Arkansans an affiliate program for its sites, as well as allow Arkansas-based products to be sold on its ‘web net’ of sites.

LAF Productions has flourished successfully since first launching their corporate site in 2006, which was mostly informative, but recently upgraded and re-launched on Independence Day, July 4th, 2011 to include business products in addition to its core services. Due in part to its command of technological advancement, creative strategies, modular structure and willingness to take calculated risks, it remains an open and viable business in a fluctuating and uncertain economic climate of business closings and financial resource retardation.

About LAF Productions Inc.

LAF Productions is an advertising and marketing agency offering high-quality creative, publishing and strategic services for one low hourly rate to business, government or non-profit entities of any size.


LAF Productions, Inc. Seeks to Dispell Controversy Over E-Verify® and Illegal Immigrants

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas – September 17, 2009 – LAF Productions, Inc. is the only known E-Verify® Designated Agent in the State of Arkansas and recommends all businesses, other than just the mandated federal contractors and subcontractors, go green, take a proactive approach and use the system for employment verification as well.

LAF Productions Inc. is a Creative, Publishing and Strategic Services company in Little Rock who is certified by Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to use the E-Verify® program to verify eligibility of new hires to work in all states, including Arkansas.  Larry Freeman, President, believes it shouldn’t be so controversial because it is illegal to use the program as a screeing process against applicants.  E-Verify® can only be used once an employee accepts the position for which he/she applies.  Furthermore, the hiring company can take no adverse action against a new hire without prior notification to the employee of any negative findings and without the program-mandated time for its correction.

About E-Verify®

E-Verify® is an Internet-based system operated by the Department of Homeland Security in partnership with the Social Security Administration, which allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of their newly hired employees.  U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services oversees the program.

E-Verify® is the best means available for determining employment eligibility of new hires and the validity of their Social Security Numbers.

E-Verify® works by allowing participating employers to electronically compare employee information taken from the Form I-9 (the paper-based employment eligibility verification form used for all new hires) against more than 449 million records in SSA's database and more than 80 million records in DHS' immigration databases.  Results are returned within seconds.

Benefits of E-Verify®

E-Verify® is currently the best means available for employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of their newly hired employees. E-Verify® virtually eliminates Social Security mismatch letters, improves the accuracy of wage and tax reporting, protects jobs for authorized U.S. workers, and helps U.S. employers maintain a legal workforce.

  • Employees are automatically confirmed as work authorized
  •  96.9 percent of employees are work authorized either instantly or within 24 hours

Employers Required to Use E-Verify®

Currently only employers who are current federal contract holders or who are expecting to receive a federal government are required and must comply by September 8, 2009.  E-Verify® is mandated for employers by the federal government to continue or to receive new government contracts.


Results from missing the deadline:

  • Loss of government contracts
  • Ineligibility to be awarded new contracts
  • Significant fines for every Form I-9 infraction
  • Possible imprisonment

About LAF Productions, Inc.

LAF Productions, Inc. has its CAGE (Commercial and Government Entity) classification and ORCA certification to procure government grants and contracts in addition to being an AASIS registered vendor for the state of Arkansas with a CMBE (Certified Minority Business Enterprise) classification.  Their combined usage of a unique pricing strategy, technological prowess and modular structure makes their ability to increase their clients’ market share, presence and ROI (Return On Investment) affordable, easy, seamless, refreshing and fun.  LAF Productions, Inc. specializes in the following products and services:

  • Creative Services - Branding & Corporate Identity, Brochure & Sales Support Materials, Direct Mail, Print Advertising, and Website Development.
  • Publishing Services – Audio books, Books, Booklets, Journals, E-books, E-booklets, E-documents, E-Journals, Magazines, and Music.
  • Strategic Services - Marketing Research & Consulting, Media Planning & Placement, Public Relations, Social Network Marketing and Special Events Planning.

Larry Freeman, President, 877.523.5278 (877.LAF.LAST), ext. 523

Shauna Reinhold, Director of Public Relations, 877.523.5278 (877.LAF.LAST), ext. 526


E-Verify Logo

Governor Beebe Proclaims September 25, 2009 as Little Rock Nine® Day Across the State of Arkansas

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas – September 14, 2009Mike Beebe, Governor of the State of Arkansas, proclaims September 25th, 2009 as Little Rock Nine® Day in recognition of the invaluable role of the Little Rock Nine® and the Little Rock Nine® Foundation to all people of Arkansas, especially its youth.  This noteworthy and heavily-anticipated honor comes at the bequest of the Little Rock Nine® Foundation’s agency of record, LAF Productions, Inc.

 On September 25th, this ever-important milestone will forever give remembrance and advance the legacy of the Little Rock Nine®, whose steadfastness and courage during the crisis at Central High School has opened unprecedented opportunities of equality in education for all Arkansans. The proclamation awarding ceremony is to be held at the State Capitol in Little Rock in the conference room at 9:00 a.m. on September 25th, which will forever be called LITTLE ROCK NINE® DAY.  This honor is presented in commemoration of the 52nd Anniversary of the Central High School Crisis

About the Little Rock Nine® Foundation

The Little Rock Nine® Foundation serves to continue the legacy began by its founders to fight for equality and justice for people of all races.  Their credo is to eliminate the ideology that race should influence educational opportunities, and to equip our youth with the skills needed to become the nation’s future leaders.  LAF Productions’ partnership with Little Rock Nine® Foundation means that together they will serve as the vital connection between the youth of our country and the people who are able to support their efforts to ensure a brighter future for all.  The Little Rock Nine® Foundation has web presence at where donations for its organization and scholarships are encouraged.

About LAF Productions, Inc.

LAF Productions, Inc. has its CAGE (Commercial and Government Entity) classification and ORCA certification to procure government grants and contracts in addition to being an AASIS registered vendor for the state of Arkansas with a CMBE (Certified Minority Business Enterprise) classification.  Their combined usage of a unique pricing strategy, technological prowess and modular structure makes their ability to increase their clients’ market share, presence and ROI (Return On Investment) affordable, easy, seamless, refreshing and fun.  LAF Productions, Inc. specializes in the following products and services:

  • Creative Services - Branding & Corporate Identity, Brochure & Sales Support Materials, Direct Mail, Print Advertising, and Website Development.
  • Publishing Services – Audio books, Books, Booklets, Journals, E-books, E-booklets, E-documents, E-Journals, Magazines, and Music.
  • Strategic Services - Marketing Research & Consulting, Media Planning & Placement, Public Relations, Social Network Marketing and Special Events Planning.

All agencies, individuals, organizations or advertisers interested in contacting the Little Rock Nine® Foundation are encouraged to do so through its point of contact and new Agency of Record, LAF Productions, Inc.:

Larry Freeman, President, 877.523.5278 (877.LAF.LAST), ext. 523

Shauna Reinhold, Director of Public Relations, 877.523.5278 (877.LAF.LAST), ext. 526


Little Rock Nine Day Proclamation Ceremony

Thelma Mothershed Wair, Little Rock Nine® member; Bill Halter, Lt. Governor of Arkansas; Mark Stodola, Mayor of Little Rock, Arkansas; Elizabeth Eckford, Little Rock Nine® member; Carlotta Walls LaNier, President of Little Rock Nine® Foundation, Inc. and Little Rock Nine® member

Little Rock Nine Day Proclamation Ceremony

Larry D. Freeman, President of LAF Productions, Inc.; Carlotta Walls LaNier, President of LR Nine® Foundation, Inc. and LR Nine® member; Shauna Reinhold, Director of PR of LAF Productions, Inc.; Thelma Mothershed Wair, LR Nine® member (seated); Lt. Governor Bill Halter; Mayor Mark Stodola; Elizabeth Eckford, LR Nine® member; Shanna F. McCoy, Writer for LAF Productions, Inc.; Delydia Pearson, Strategic Services Director of LAF Productions, Inc.

LAF Productions, Inc. Selected as Agency of Record by Little Rock Nine® Foundation

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas – July 13, 2009 – LAF Productions, Inc., a creative, publishing and strategic services company, has announced today that it has been hired as the first ever Agency of Record for the historic Little Rock Nine® Foundation.

LAF Productions, Inc., as Agency of Record, will provide the Little Rock Nine® Foundation with services such as event planning, public relations, media placement, and creative design to name a few.  LAF Productions, Inc. is currently endeavoring with the Little Rock Nine® Foundation and its President, Mrs. Carlotta Walls LaNier, to prepare for two of its major upcoming events - the 52nd Anniversary of the Central High School Integration and the Scholarship Fundraising event.  These will serve to commemorate the historical event that led to major steps in equality in education and the integration of schools around the country.  This noteworthy occasion will celebrate the milestone that has put Little Rock on the map and has made these nine brave souls national treasures, and will serve as a brainstorming session to forge ahead to new frontiers of progress and equality in education around the world.

About the Little Rock Nine® Foundation

The Little Rock Nine® Foundation serves to continue the legacy began by its founders to fight for equality and justice for people of all races.  Their credo is to eliminate the ideology that race should influence educational opportunities, and to equip our youth with the skills needed to become the nation’s future leaders.  LAF Productions’ partnership with Little Rock Nine® Foundation means that together they will serve as the vital connection between the youth of our country and the people who are able to support their efforts to ensure a brighter future for all.  The Little Rock Nine® Foundation has web presence at where donations for its organization and scholarships are encouraged.

About LAF Productions, Inc.

LAF Productions, Inc. has its CAGE (Commercial and Government Entity) classification and ORCA certification to procure government grants and contracts in addition to being an AASIS registered vendor for the state of Arkansas with a CMBE (Certified Minority Business Enterprise) classification.  Their combined usage of a unique pricing strategy, technological prowess and modular structure makes their ability to increase their clients’ market share, presence and ROI (Return On Investment) affordable, easy, seamless, refreshing and fun.  LAF Productions, Inc. specializes in the following products and services:

  • Creative Services - Branding & Corporate Identity, Brochure & Sales Support Materials, Direct Mail, Print Advertising, and Website Development.
  • Publishing Services – Audio books, Books, Booklets, Journals, E-books, E-booklets, E-documents, E-Journals, Magazines, and Music.
  • Strategic Services - Marketing Research & Consulting, Media Planning & Placement, Public Relations, Social Network Marketing and Special Events Planning.

All agencies, individuals, organizations or advertisers interested in contacting the Little Rock Nine® Foundation are encouraged to do so through its point of contact and new Agency of Record, LAF Productions, Inc.:

Larry Freeman, President, 877.523.5278 (877.LAF.LAST), ext. 523

Shauna Reinhold, Director of Public Relations, 877.523.5278 (877.LAF.LAST), ext. 526


Economy and The Recovery Act Opens Doors for Small Businesses Like LAF Productions, Inc.

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas – April 14, 2009 – LAF Productions, Inc., founded by Larry D. Freeman, is one of the Little Rock-based businesses benefiting from the lagging economy and The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  LAF Productions, Inc. is a Publishing and Omni-media company specializing in Creative and Strategic Services.  They produce one-of-a-kind products such as Audiobooks, Books, Booklets, E-books, E-documents, Magazines and Music with Christian-Living, Health, Inspiration and Spirituality focuses.

The new bill ensures that companies like LAF Productions, Inc. are poised to take advantage of federally mandated lending and reinvestment efforts to companies for economic recovery.  This is in addition to HB1939, recently signed by Governor Mike Beebe, which allows rebate incentives for Digital Product and Motion Picture Industry development here in Arkansas.  Another benefit they’re enjoying is their innovative, modular company structure which allows for planned growth and mobility…the freedom of not being tied down to an office or particular city.  LAF Productions, Inc. also employs a no-surprise, pricing strategy which they call “Integrity Pricing” and can be found on their website:

“Bringing LAFter Back to Business”™ by “Working to Live…not Living to Work”™.  LAF Productions, Inc. is a Christian-based organization whose principals pride themselves on doing business with integrity and high moral standards, but also believe in not taking themselves too seriously and actually enjoying their work by bringing fun and laughter back to business.

About LAF Productions, Inc.

Services include: Branding & Corporate Identity, Brochure & Sales Support Materials, Direct Mail Campaigns, Website Development, Print and Billboard Advertising, Marketing Research & Consulting, Media Planning & Placement, Special Events Planning, Public Relations, Publishing and Production.


Larry Freeman, Governor Mike Beebe and Chris Crane, Film Commissioner
Larry Freeman, Actor & President of LAF Productions, Inc.; Governor Mike Beebe; Christopher Crane, Film Commissioner of Arkansas
Photo by Kirk Jordan


Governor Mike Beebe signing HB1939
Governor Mike Beebe signs HB1939 at the Arkansas State Capitol
Photo by Kirk Jordan

From Integration of High School to Integration of the Nation's "Capital"

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas – March 02, 2009 – The historic Little Rock Nine® Foundation, like its founding members did in 1957, is integrating once again, but this time with a fresh, cyber twist.  The Foundation recently sought the creative prowess of LAF Productions, Inc. to update and redesign their website,, giving it an aesthetically-pleasing layout and easy-to-navigate site design with an SSL secured PayPal-based contributions/donations page with currency conversion and language adaptability that allows the site to integrate capital from across the globe and the nation.

This dynamic, informative, and progressive site is earmarked to capture mind share and increase market share, thus increasing much-needed contributions for the organization in spite of the current economic state. Incorporation of additional site extensions (.com, .info, .mobi, .org and soon .net) helps guide and guarantee searchers to safely arrive at the right destination for scam protection.  The website is currently live and ready for site visitors.

About the Little Rock Nine® Foundation

The Little Rock Nine® Foundation was created to promote the ideals of justice and equality of opportunity for all.  Forged in the crucible of fierce opposition to the educational pursuits of nine young black children, the Foundation is dedicated to the proposition that racist ideology will not dictate educational policies and practices in the 21st Century. 

The mission of the Little Rock Nine® Foundation is to provide direct financial support and a mentorship program for students to help them reach their educational goals.  Further, it is the Foundation’s mission to encourage young people to take executive responsibility for their education, to step forward boldly and seize any available opportunity to expend awareness and understanding.  The Foundation seeks to create a viable link between young leaders and those who offer support for their efforts.

About LAF Productions, Inc.

LAF Productions, Inc. is a publishing and omni-media company based in Little Rock, Arkansas and comprises one-of-a-kind publishing products, along with outstanding creative and strategic services.  It is a “stand-out” company that illuminates business, domestic, global and spiritual communities.  LAF Productions, Inc. is in tune with difficulties of current economic times and understands the need for its quality services and products to remain affordable.   The company’s fresh techniques, applications of today's technology and back-to-basics common sense helps its focus on bottom-line results and allows most efficacy for limited budget dollars for companies and organizations alike.  Through this dedication, LAF Productions, Inc. focuses on “Bringing LAFter Back to Business”™ by “Working to Live…not Living to Work”™.  For more information log onto


Little Rock Nine Foundation website

"Don't waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Spreading LAFter Worldwide...

by touching one heart, one mind, one smile, and one nation at a time.

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